Moving day cometh

After much back and forth, a lot of wrangling, many prayers, and astronomical stress levels, the stars have aligned, choirs of angels have sang, and signatures were laid down on paper…..a lot of paper!

Our house has finally closed and is sold! We are now the proud owners of a new house up in Lehi and we move a heck of a lot sooner than I ever thought we would! Our kids get to start at their new school in December and we get Christmas in our new place.

In a lot of ways, it hasn’t really sunk in yet and it still feels like its a lot farther off than it really is. We move over the week of Thanksgiving. Its coming closer with each passing day and while a good deal of the house is boxed up, there is so much more to be done. Four kids with all their clothes, books, toys, and all our stuff still needs sorting, boxing, and clearing out. It doesn’t help that all my hobbies have a lot of pieces and parts.

In the new house, I get a room for my stuff! I am so excited by this. A room for all my art stuff, sewing stuff, and a place that I can truly call my own! It has a door on it too, so when a fit of creativity strikes, D won’t be subjected to it with the inevitable attending mess. It also means that I can go hide after the kids are in bed and I get some honest to goodness “ME” time. Just me, my books, paints, brushes, needles, fabrics, pencils, and papers. SQUEEEEEEE!!!!!

I still have to call the school, get the kids registered, and try to get things in place to help M transition smoothly to the new school. I’m sure they will want to evaluate him to see just where he fits at this new school. K will transition easily. I have no worries about her. She is outgoing, confident, and smart.

This is a new beginning for us all. YAY! 🙂

About mendenhallbear

I am a mother of soon to be five kids. My oldest son is a High-functioning Autistic/Asperger's child. I am also a member of the Latter-Day Saint church, an artist, cook, cookie-lover, and a confirmed chocoholic.
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5 Responses to Moving day cometh

  1. deborah lewis says:

    I THOUGHT I heard a distant chorus of “Hallelujah” … 😀
    Congratulations! *clicks heels*

  2. I am so happy for you! You definitely deserve your own space! 😀

  3. Tres Lewis says:

    Wonderful news. New house room for you and yours I hope the move is not to stressful bul I am sure in the end it will be worth it…. Grand Pa

  4. Shorty says:

    Sweet! I’m glad that you guys have the chance to start a new adventure together as a family. 😀 Congrats!

  5. Emmerin says:

    I am so excited! Mostly I’m excited for you guys, but I’m also selfishly excited to have you closer!

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