My autumn foot curse

This seems to be a recent phenomena, I mean it’s only started happening since we moved to our new home. I was pretty sure once was a fluke, but so far we’ve been in this home almost three years and there has been an incident every autumn. It sucks.

The first year we moved in, I tripped over the upstairs ottoman and broke the little toe on my right foot. The year after that, I stubbed it against the bottom step and actually felt the *pop* as I broke the same toe…… again……

This year, I am proud to announce I have moved on from paltry broken toes. I average about five miles of walking five days a week. Every now and then I walk closer to ten. After a couple ten mile days, my left foot ached a bit. I decided to try switching shoes and using a good support insole. It didn’t really help much.

Then CJ went head first over the handlebars of her scooter. We have a long, sloping hill by our house. She was almost two blocks away, closer to the bottom, when I saw the accident unfolding. Naturally, I ran down the hill. That seemed to be enough to make my foot draw the proverbial line in the sand. The pain was now constant with some swelling. Since I still had the boot from my previous two broken toes, I strapped that onto my foot figuring it could only help.

I eventually got around to seeing first a doctor and then a podiatrist. It was determined that I had a stress fracture in one of the metatarsals in my foot. While they couldn’t actually see the fracture, the bone was thicker on one side than on the other. There was also some gaping between some of the other foot bones that shouldn’t have been there. I had a CT scan which showed that none of the ligaments were torn, which was a relief, but were strained. So the official diagnosis was that I had a stress fracture and a sprained foot.

I ended up having to have neighbors drop off and pick up my kids for me since I wasn’t supposed to be on my feet.

I finally took the boot off yesterday and have been gradually walking around more. I still am not back up to my normal five miles, but I’m willing to take this a little more slowly. The podiatrist was worried that I’d need surgery for a while, before the results of the CT scan came back. I dodged a bullet with that one. Surgery would have meant a 6-8 week recovery period with no walking on that foot at all. I have five levels in my house and five very active children. Not being able to walk would have been very interesting.

So, now I’m hoping, since my bouts of bad luck tend to come in sets of three, that I have filled my quota of foot problems that occur in the autumn. I sincerely hope that next Halloween I’m not wearing a walking cast/boot but, just in case, I have this record to prove that it’s happened before.

About mendenhallbear

I am a mother of soon to be five kids. My oldest son is a High-functioning Autistic/Asperger's child. I am also a member of the Latter-Day Saint church, an artist, cook, cookie-lover, and a confirmed chocoholic.
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