Filling your cup

As I have been  dealing with a lot of stress lately, it was pointed out to me by several people that I haven’t been doing anything to renew, rejuvenate, or otherwise relax myself. Instead I have been shutting down and pulling back. The result being that I am constantly tired, frustrated, and running on fumes most days.

There are things that I like doing and that I want to learn how to do, but with all my energy being used up with stress, I have none left for doing the things that I love. Its funny,  you use energy doing the things you love and it actually creates more energy for you, rather like the battery in your car. It takes a lot out of the battery to initially start the car, but once its going, it creates energy and recharges itself by the act of being driven. (Or at least that’s how it was explained to me once.)

So, its gotten me thinking and really looking at my priorities. Besides taking care of my family, what do I do to take care of me? Now, I’ll admit, there is some guilt there at the thought of making or taking “me” time. But the other option is forgetting who I was before I had kids. Losing touch with that creative, energetic person and becoming really rather stale. And anyone who has ever eaten stale chips or graham crackers knows that that is one of the most unappealing things out there. Stale things are things to be thrown away.

How do you make time for yourself? What are the things that you enjoy doing that help make you you?

About mendenhallbear

I am a mother of soon to be five kids. My oldest son is a High-functioning Autistic/Asperger's child. I am also a member of the Latter-Day Saint church, an artist, cook, cookie-lover, and a confirmed chocoholic.
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10 Responses to Filling your cup

  1. Shorty says:

    What I do at times is I turn on my music and just belt it out with the songs I know the lyrics to. I know I’m way of key when I sing at times I’ll “dance” with it as well, but it helps to know that I can do that for me, and not worry about other things for a while. Other times, I just take myself out and start snapping pictures or just walk to get fresh air and to gather my thoughts. I also write a lot of things down just to help get the clutter out of my head.

    I hope you are able to un-stale yourself and be able to find time for what you need to make you refreshed again. 😀

  2. You really do have to validate yourself, is what you have to do. It *is* important for you to take you time.

    You will be a better mother. A better wife. A better everything 🙂 a happy mom has happy kids. I have a friend who gave up herself entirely to her large, demanding family and she fell into a black hole that left her emotionless and in despair. Listen to your heart, it is in the right place 🙂 If you believe it is important, then you’ll prioritize it without guilt. I have a teacher who said to me that life, is a three legged stool. To be able to support anything a person needs the three legs of physical, spiritual, and creativity.

    • Like your friend, that is proving hard. Kids can be so demanding and so consuming that carving out time seems like one of Hercules’ feats, though I know what you mean.

      Finding that balance is probably the most important thing. Balancing you, the family, and your spiritual needs so that you can be better than merely functional.

  3. Lora says:

    I keep trying to convince Lucy that she likes to do the things I like to do. 🙂 It’s worked pretty well with gardening, reading, and cooking. It hasn’t worked out as well with art; she loves to draw and paint, but can’t stand the idea of me drawing/painting something myself without her bold brushstrokes on it. 🙂

    • Oh, yes, I know that situation all too well. Part of me is selfish, I guess, and doesn’t want to share that “me” time. I want it for “ME,” not “me and the kids.” A lot of what I like to do requires a great deal of focus and constant interruptions are a source of frustration for me.

      That’s neat though that you can share that with her. I’m sure she appreciates the time you spend together.

  4. deborah lewis says:

    Art and writing are my “self creating” subjects. Sometimes, when the weather permits, I go for a bike ride or walk, and make sure I have a camera with me. As the latter don’t happen much, I get to spend time on favorite art and writing subjects, and frequently, while I tidy around the house, I’ll become inspired and suddenly have to jot stuff down,and then I can’t wait till I can get back to the art board, or typewriter.

    The best of luck and wishes on rejunvenating yourself! 😀

  5. angeladecker says:

    “Me time” is definitely necessary. We need time to recharge our spiritual selves, but certainly our mortal selves too. I know it can be hard to ask for help getting that “me time,” but after that challenge of pride is overcome, you end up with time for yourself and the other person has been given the blessing of the opportunity to serve. I certainly can’t think of any neighbors or visiting teachers who’d be willing to do that… 😉 And hey, I’m still up for quilting and our garden’s dirt is available for digging. 🙂

  6. daveloveless says:

    It’s been nice watching you do art again. It was fun to show Scott some of your artwork, especially the bird. I showed Dr. Richards your art site this morning (he said he had been there before), and I talked about the donuts, chocolate, and the bird (of course).

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